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Purple Net
DALL·E 2023-11-01 12.48.29 - Create a logo that is similar to the provided design. The log


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Upload Using One of Our Supported Formats



The name "front" or "back" can be anything as long as the front is always the first element. You can paste in more than 1 JSON at a time..



For this format, each card needs to be on its own line. A single card can go onto the next line but the next card must start on a new line. Make sure your cards contain no other semi-colons other than the ones separating the front and back.



The GPT format is used for output from our GPT. The front and back of each card need to be on their own line and need to be prefaced by either "Front:" or "Question:" and "Back:" or "Answer:". Any line of text without these keywords will be ignored.



    "front": "This is the front of the card",

    "back": "This is the back of the card"



    "front": "This is the front of the card",

    "back": "This is the back of the card"



    "front": "This is the front of the card",

    "back": "This is the back of the card"




This is the front of the card;This is the back of the card.

This is the front of the card;This is the back of the card.

This is the front of a longer card that goes on to the next line;This is the back of a longer card.

This is the front of the next card starting on a new line;This is the back.



Flashcards (This line will be ignored so ok to have)

Front: This is the front.

Back: This is the back.

Card 2: (This will also be ignored)

Question: Here is the front
Answer: Here is the back

Card3: Front: This will also work.

Back: This is the back.

Wavy Lines_edited.png

Paste Your Cards Here

 Oops, we did not detect any flashcards. Please paste them above in one of the correct formats 

Your Flashcards


Change the text and make it your own. Click here to begin editing.


Change the text and make it your own. Click here to begin editing.

Are you sure?

Edit manually or instruct the AI how to edit the flashcard. 

Oops, something went wrong, please try again.

Keep edits?

Add a Title

Change the text and make it your own. Click here to begin editing.


Change the text and make it your own. Click here to begin editing.

Change the text and make it your own. Click here to begin editing.

Are you sure?

Edit manually or instruct the AI how to edit the flashcard

Are you sure?

Pick a Subject and Deck to

Store Your New Cards


Create a New Subject and/or Deck

 Oops, that subject name already exists 

 Oops, that deck name already exists 

 Please select or input a subject and source pack 

Edit manually or instruct the AI how to edit the flashcard


Not Sure What to Upload? Explore Our Book Summaries

Abstract Waves
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