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Step 1. Paste in Your Text - Memorize Anything with AI

"The act of memorizing strengthens the brain, turning fleeting knowledge into a lasting treasure."

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Step 1a. Chunking - Split Your Text Into Manageable Chunks

Chunking involves dividing text into smaller, manageable segments. This technique is useful for long passages, sequences, or complex concepts. By breaking material into chunks, you can focus on smaller sections at a time, making memorization easier.

Add a blank line between your desired chunks. We will then help you memorize 1 chunk at a time in the next step.

Our AI model is trained to split your text based on the length and type of content. For example, long text will be split into more manageable chunks, and sequences such as steps in a process or chronological events will be grouped together to maintain logical flow. Cost 1 credit per 100 words.



Here is the first chunk.


And the Second.

This is still part of the second, there must be a blank line.

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Step 2. Familiarization - Absorb the Content

Read and review the text multiple times until you can comfortably recall most of it. You’re ready to move on when you can recite the text with only occasional glances (usually 5-10 read-throughs, depending on the text’s complexity and length). Use our Memorization Coach for custom AI-powered tips on memorizing this text.

Chunk 1

The text you are memorizing with Memgrains amazing AI powered memorization tool

Writing something down helps you remember it better by engaging multiple senses, which makes the information stick in your brain more effectively.

Memorization Coach analyzes your text and provides a tip for memorizing it, tips include visualization, storytelling, mnemonics, keyword linking, and more for an effective learning experience.

Generating tip

Step 3. Active Recall - Test Yourself

Test your memory by removing key words and/or reducing the text to first letters. Practice recalling the text until you can confidently fill in the gaps. You’re ready to save this for future review via our Spaced Repetition algorithm when you can recall the entire text accurately without looking.

Chunk 1

The text you are memorizing with Memgrains amazing AI powered memorization tool

Save for future review using our spaced repetition algorithm.

Writing something down helps you remember it better by engaging multiple senses, which makes the information stick in your brain more effectively.

Memorization Coach analyzes your text and provides a tip for memorizing it, tips include visualization, storytelling, mnemonics, keyword linking, and more for an effective learning experience.

The text you are memorizing with Memgrains amazing AI powered memorization tool

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